Zoo trip with the family
Off today to the zoo, on what transpired to be quite a rainy day actually. We have not been for years, so we thought it was about time we visited again. Also this was Jude’s first time and Mary and I just knew he was so so going to love this place. A lovely family day out, just a shame about the weather.
Here comes a few pictures of the day, with some captions too. Some a littler light-hearted in nature.

Monkey #1 for today, up on the roof as we entered the zoo

Very confident little blighters

All we’re missing is the theme tune from Madagascar – yep here come the Ring Tailed Lemurs; “I like to move it, move it…”

Tim for a cute hug moment???

Flamingo, but then they all walked away. Does that make them Flamingone

Never seen or heard of these before, racoon dogs. First time for everything….

Cute one of Amy and Baby Jude – this was in the new Polar Bear enclosure

Loved watching the Orangutans , in the open tree enclosure. Its like watching them in the wild

Look at this ones little face – so flipping cute ha ha

Just hanging around. My newest ginger little mate, even blowing me a kiss…

Now I’m the King of the swingers, hey, the Jungle VIP…

Amazing White Rhinos. I just look at these beats and think how could anyone in the East think its a good idea to kill these for their horns and then leave the rest of the body to rot – also something that is no different to your finger nails. Bad Chinese Medicine…

Nature truly is amazing. White with black stripes, or black with white stripes?

Love this one – an absolutely stunning baby giraffe

Who left that lion around there

An incredible Jaguar that just popped out when the rain stopped, just for us it seems…

Hisssssss – if I remember this one is a viper so pretty damned deadly…

Just stunning. I think this one was a python, but it was the incredible vibrance of the colour of this one that made you stop and stare

My beautiful girl

He is apparently not allowed to play cards by any of the others animals – I wonder why. What an absolutely incredible animal. Seeing these so close up I could not help but think they would have been bigger, but saying that I sure would not want one running at me

My little Baby Jude having a good pose ha ha bless him – nice little stop for lunch some family snaps now

Two of my very own monkeys now…

I love this one. Jude has started to drink his drinks in little cups, and puts his little finger our when doing so. Classic Jude!!!

“You looking at me? Are you? Are you looking at me…?”

Love this one, just chilling out in the rain…

One my favourite bits of the day were the Baboons. – loads of them in fact. It was raining again so we stopped here a while, watching these guys all shelter from the rain, grooming, playing, and socialising with each other. Amazing to watch.

Beautiful rock climbing antelopes – how they do this with hooves in the pouring rain is beyond me

Another of our Baboon buddies. Big male this one. He was a really funny one, coming over the glass of the enclosure to say Hi

And then having a good drink of the rain water dripping from the roof, very funny little thing

Then it got even funnier with my monkeys playing with the monkeys too through the glass

He loved little Jude, and Jude loved him back too

Believe it or not, this is not an act of aggression with the Baboon showing his teeth like this. He’s actually playing so I am to believe. Jude thinks so too.

They really did become good buddies – both showing off their teeth now and touching hands through the glass – so sweet

And next is another of Baby Jude’s new friends, a pygmy hippopotamus. This was just sitting there with his room mate not moving originally.

But then Jude walks up to the glass and hey presto the Hippo gets up and comes for a walk to see Baby Jude

Baby elephant – love these guys

Beautiful White Tigers now – simply stunning!!!

Chilling, just chilling…

Nearly done now – walking out we bumped in to these little buggers. So so cute. Tiny little monkeys, I think a little scared of something above as they constantly kept looking skywards…

And then here is his bother, the Donald Trump of the monkey world….